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What is the scrapping period for trucks? Can I apply for an extension of scrapping?

Time:2023/12/1 13:31:02 Click on:685 Source:Darong traffic machinery Co., LTD

There is a scrapping system in the use of vehicles in our country, and many car owners do not understand why cars that have been saved up hard must be scrapped after a certain service life? In fact, this is mainly based on safety and environmental considerations. After all, the technical performance, economic performance, emission standards, and other aspects of old cars cannot keep up with the development and changes of society. If they continue to be used, it is not only easy to cause safety and environmental hazards, but also increases the cost of maintenance and repair.

Freight vehicles are even more so, as they bear the pressure of transporting goods year-round, and the wear and tear rate of various components on the vehicle is higher than that of ordinary vehicles. When they reach the prescribed service life, the scrapping system must be strictly implemented. What is the scrap life of the truck? We can make a judgment based on the following table:

Regulations on scrapping of cargo vehicles:

The scrapping period of micro cargo vehicles is 12 years, with a reference mileage of 500000 kilometers;

The scrapping period for medium and light trucks is 15 years, with a reference mileage of 600000 kilometers;

The scrapping period of heavy-duty trucks is 15 years, with a reference mileage of 700000 kilometers;

The scrapping period of hazardous chemical transportation trucks is 10 years, with a reference mileage of 400000 kilometers;

Three wheeled vehicles and low-speed trucks equipped with horizontal bar engines have a scrap life of 9 years, with no mileage limit; Low speed trucks equipped with multi cylinder engines have a scrap life of 12 years and a mileage of 300000 kilometers;

The scrapped service life of the specialized work vehicle capable of carrying goods is 15 years, with a mileage of 500000 kilometers; The special operation vehicle without cargo carrying function has a scrapping period of 30 years and a mileage of 500000 kilometers.

Scrap regulations for trailer vehicles:

The scrapping period of container semi-trailers is 20 years, with no mileage limit;

The scrapping period of semi-trailers for hazardous chemical transportation is 10 years, with no mileage limit;

The scrapping period for other types of semi-trailers is 15 years, with no mileage limit;

The scrapping period of the full trailer is 10 years, with no mileage limit.

Some car owners have expressed that if there is a mismatch between the service life and driving mileage of the vehicle, which one should be used as the standard?

Here is a brief explanation for everyone: when a vehicle reaches the specified service life for scrapping, a mandatory scrapping system is adopted, which means that the scrapping process must be followed and an extension cannot be applied for; When the vehicle's mileage reaches the scrapping regulations, guidance for scrapping is adopted, not mandatory. As long as the vehicle can pass the annual inspection, meet safety and environmental requirements, it can still be used.

It should be noted that according to the "Management Measures for Motor Vehicle Recycling" in China, scrapped vehicles should be delivered to scrapped vehicle recycling enterprises in a timely manner. No unit or individual may sell, gift or transfer scrapped vehicles to units or individuals other than scrapped vehicle recycling enterprises, nor dismantle scrapped vehicles on their own.

In addition, vehicle scrapping also requires certain conditions to be met: the five major assemblies are complete, the engine number, frame number, and other information match the vehicle file, and there are no violations or non collateral. If the above conditions cannot be met simultaneously, the user manual and relevant department's certification need to be submitted based on the specific situation of the vehicle.





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